On February 1st, 2023, Javon suffered a “Slip & Fall” accident while navigating a set of concrete stairs laced in BLACK ICE. His left foot lost traction as soon as it met with the surface of the top step. (Understanding what "BLACK ICE" is, and its DANGERS - CLICK HERE)
As his feet & legs rose up from under him, the momentum catapulted his body up into the air, like that of a high jumper going for the GOLD. The first thing to hit the ground was his left hand, consequently driving his left shoulder into the left side of his head (left arm & hand were perpendicular, creating a 90-degree fold at his wrist, exposing a slightly flat palm to the ground upon impact). Javon’s left shoulder violently impacted his left ear/neck/jaw region, causing him to endure a great deal of trauma to his brain/neck/spinal cord/vertebral column, a collection of connective tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and more.
After the initial contact, a series of other body parts followed – almost simultaneously: his lower body parts, sacrum, gluteus maximus, bilateral hip area, lower rib regions, both kidneys, and general back area as well.
The overall impact was extremely violent, leading to the development of multiple MEDICAL CONDITIONS, such as, but not limited to the following (HYPERLINKS): FND - Functional Neurological Disorder; MYOCLONUS; SCI - Spinal Cord Injury; TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury; PCS - Post-Concussion Syndrome; Chronic BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo; WHIPLASH; RIB Trauma; DYSARTHRIA; PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; CPS - Chronic Pain Syndrome; and PCT - Polytrauma Clinical Triad.
The majority of Javon’s symptoms were delayed – it took about 36 hours before he began experiencing debilitating and uncontrollable symptoms.
Javon is sharing this information to maintain transparency, and notably for general awareness – as confirming diagnoses is sometimes a complex and lengthy process, of which was and still is the case for Javon. If you, and or anyone you know suffered a fall or similar trauma, please click on the hyperlinked MEDICAL CONDITIONS ABOVE and ALL VIDOES BELOW to research and discuss them with your medical provider to ensure a thorough medical work-up was completed on your behalf’s.
Javon is keeping his FAITH – trusting in the power of GOD through His Son, Jesus Christ, our personal LORD, and Savior, believing he will – one day – TRI-Again, and resume his commitment to completing at least one IRONMAN/Triathlon event, each month – for the rest of his Life – in order to help secure provisions to continue the mission of TRI-Again Corp.
NEWEST VIDEO (MAY 25, 2024) - apprx. 16 MONTHS after his accident.
First hospitaliztion (February 3rd, 2023) - 36 HOURS after his accident.
On the phone with "911" awaiting AMBULANCE transport, prior to having a full FND Seizure - 5 DAYS after his accident.
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, FND Seizure - 5 DAYS after his accident.
FND; MYOCLONUS; TBI; PCS; BPPV; DYSARTHRIA - 7 DAYS (1 week) after his accident.
9 DAYS after his accident.
This video hightlights EARLY NEUROLIGICAL POLYTRAUMATIC symptoms
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